Hanson-Tasker v. Ewart 2022 BCSC 432

Hanson-Tasker v. Ewart 2022 BCSC 432

PROVING THAT INJURIES WERE CAUSED BY NEGLIENCE. Doctors are found negligent but the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed the case due to the plaintiff’s inability to prove that the injuries were primarily caused by the negligence. Background Kycree Hanson-Takser...
Firms are Expanding into Medical Malpractice

Firms are Expanding into Medical Malpractice

Personal injury lawyers in Canada are moving into medical malpractice as changes to personal injury law rules require them to be more strategic.  According to a recent article on Law Times News, firms are expanding into medical malpractice as changes to personal...
Reibl v. Hughes, 1980 CanLII 23

Reibl v. Hughes, 1980 CanLII 23

INFORMED CONSENT and MEDICAL MALPRACTICE The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Reibl v. Hughes held that a plaintiff must be properly informed of the risks of a medical procedure before giving consent. Background The plaintiff, Riebl, suffered a massive...
Levac v. James, 2023 ONCA 73

Levac v. James, 2023 ONCA 73

Standard of Care and Causation in Medical Malpractice Class Actions A Case brought before the Ontario Court of Appeal demonstrates how issues of causation and standard of care are handled in class action medical malpractice cases.  Background In 2022, the Ontario...