Pinch (Guardian ad litem of) v. Morwood

Pinch (Guardian ad litem of) v. Morwood

The defendants’ appeal to overturn the trial judgment, which held them responsible for shortcomings in prenatal maternal monitoring, was unsuccessful.  The Court of Appeal upholds the trial judge’s findings of negligence in a medical malpractice case,...
Seeking Clarity on Causation from the SCC

Seeking Clarity on Causation from the SCC

“The Sacks v. Ross case, heard by the Ontario Court of Appeal in 2017, highlights the need for clarity on the principle of causation in medical malpractice claims and its potential impact on future litigation. Medical malpractice cases can be complex and...
White Burgess v. Abbott

White Burgess v. Abbott

The ADMISSIBILITY OF EXPERT EVIDENCE The case of White Burgess Langille Inman v. Abbott and Haliburton Co. is a landmark legal case that clarified the admissibility of expert evidence in civil cases in Canada.  Background In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada heard the...
Hanson-Tasker v. Ewart 2022 BCSC 432

Hanson-Tasker v. Ewart 2022 BCSC 432

PROVING THAT INJURIES WERE CAUSED BY NEGLIENCE. Doctors are found negligent but the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed the case due to the plaintiff’s inability to prove that the injuries were primarily caused by the negligence. Background Kycree Hanson-Takser...